Using the Wiki activity


The eClass Wiki acts as a space where you can work on a project wherever and whenever – collaboratively, or for those writing solo. Eclass Wiki logs all activity which makes it easy to look back on previous versions of the project.

Creating the initial page

  1. Click on the title of the Wiki from the course homepage. The Wiki summary will appear; Select the format (default is HTML) and click on Create page button to begin your first page. 
  2. Enter your content into the HTML text editor.
  3. Select the Preview button to preview the page as it’ll appear on eClass. 
  4. Click the Save button to have your content saved.


Adding an image

  1. Click on the title of the Wiki from the course homepage; You'll be taken to preview your Wiki page.
  2. At the top right of the page, there's a dropdown (default is View) - change that to Edit 
  3. Click Insert or edit image and then select the image you wish to upload
  4. Click the Save button to apply your changes.


Editing a page


  1. Click on the title of the Wiki from the course homepage; You'll be taken to preview your Wiki page.
  2. At the top right of the page, there's a dropdown (default is View) - change that to Edit 
  3. Using the HTML editor, format text by highlighting it and clicking the desired button in the toolbar at the top of the editing box. 
  4. Select the Preview button to preview your changes, if desired.
  5. Click the Save button to apply your changes.

Quick tips 

  1. In a group Wiki, click on the Comments drop down option to give feedback to fellow group members.
  2. To create another page, type the title of your new page within double brackets [[ ]] when editing a page in HTML and save changes. These will create new hyperlinks to the page(s). 
  3. The Map drop down allows you to view a summary of activities in a Wiki you can click on the Map menu drop-down box to see other options available to you.



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