Providing/Removing Deferred access to a Course

All students can access eClass courses while the courses is visible. At times you may choose to hide the course from students. In such cases, if a student needs to access the course material due to a deferred exam, they will need to have deferred access to the course.

Providing Deferred access to a Course

Deferred access is provided manually on an individual bases. Please follow the steps below to provide a student with a deferred access to a course:

  1. Browse to Participants page of the course
  2. Locate the student and click on Pencil icon in the Roles column for that student
  3. Click on the Arrow pointing down to reveal the available roles
  4. Click on Deferred Student to add the role
  5. Click on the Save changes icon

Removing Deferred access to a Course

  1. Browse to Participants page of the course
  2. Locate the student and click on Pencil icon in the Roles column for that student
  3. Click on Deferred Student to remove the role
  4. Click on the Save changes icon

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