Instructors can access and grade student's submission from the assignment page. The assignment feedback settings determine how you as an instructor provide feedback to students. The options are:
Feedback comments that allows the marker to write comments in the text box in the eClass assignment.
Annotated PDF allows markers to create annotated PDF file when marking assignment submission. Add comments, drawing, stamps on top of student's work.
Offline grading worksheet allow the instructor to download and upload a worksheet with student grades when marking the assignment.
- Feedback files allow the instructor to upload files that are marked up students' submission with comments or audio/video files for feedback.
Accessing Assignments from eClass
- Login to eClass with your PassPort York username and password
- Click on the course title from the Dashboard
- Click the assignment title from the course homepage.
- The assignment page displays the assignment description as well as the grade summary including number of submissions, number of assignment that need grading.
Grading student submissions
- From the assignment page, click on View all submissions
- Assignment submission page displays a list of students enrolled in the course as well as detail information about their assignment, including submission status, submitted file, date of submission, grade, feedback etc.
- Click on the Grade button to enter a score and provide feedback on students' submission.
- The assignment will open in a Annotated PDF viewer offering you annotation and markup tools to grade your student submissions. On this page the assignment is displayed on the left pane and the right pane will provide you with the space to enter the grade as well as feedback.
Annotation and Markup Tools: These tools can be used to provide various kinds of used to rotate document 90 degree to the left.
is used to rotate document 90 degrees to the right.
is used to add a comment box. To use this select the tool and drag a rectangle across the page where you want the comment box to appear. Within the comment box, you can add some text. You can use the select tool to move the comment box to another part of the document.
allows you to change the colour of the comment box. After a colour is selected, you can use the comment box tool to add a comment box in the document.
this is a pan tool that allows you to pan the document up and down or left and right depending on your screen resolution.
Select tool is used to select an existing annotation you added previously. This will allow you to move or delete the comment entirely.
this tool allows you to add freeform lines of any shape and direction.
allows you to add straight lines in the document.
can be used to add rectangles to the document.
can be used to draw circles on the document.
highlight tool can be used to highlight text in the document.
will allow you to change the colour of the highlighter.
is used to stamp one of the four possible icons on the document.
allows you to select one of the four possible choices that can be used in conjunction with the stamp tool.