How to add a block to your course?

Blocks are items which may be added to the block drawer on the right side of any page in your eClass and add additional information or learning content to your course.


Follow the steps below to add a block to your course:

  1. Browse to your main course page
  2. Click on Edit mode to turn editing on             
    Edit Mode        
  3. If you can see the right navigation continue to step 4, otherwise click on Open Block Drawer button to expand the right navigation           


  4. Click on Add a block     


  5. On the Add a block pop up, click on the Block of your choice to add the block to your course    



Here are some of the most commonly used block and what they offer:


The Activities block lists the different activities and resources available in your course and allow you to access all activities/resources by type (ie: Assignments allow you to view a list of all assignments in your course).   


The Calendar block displays events from the Calendar. 


Latest announcements     

Latest announcements block displays a list of recent posts made in the Announcements forum along with a link to older archived news. 


Upcoming events

The Upcoming events block displays events from the Calendar in a summarized list format.  

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