Getting Started with eClass

  1. Course checklist

    Start of term checklist To help you prepare for the start of term, we've highlighted some key activities for...

  2. How do I request an eClass course?

    If you are an Instructor, you are automatically enrolled into the course you are teaching. You are automatically assigned...

  3. Adding a Course outline or Lecture Slides

    Drag and Drop your files directly from your computer to your course page Turn Edit mode on at the top right...

  4. How to Add Other Users to eClass

    Students enrolled in your course will be automatically added to your eClass course. We'll even take care of removing...

  5. Setting up your Course layout

    Course Formats There are many course formats that can be customized for your delivery preferences: We've described the most...

  6. Important Course Settings

    Make your course available to students  If you see Course disabled in the top row, this means the course is...

  7. Make your Course visible to students

    We make courses hidden from students by default so that you can work on organizing your content behind closed...

  8. Copy over Content From your Existing Course(s)

    The course Import feature allows you to re-use course content from other courses that you have previously taught. You...

  9. Hide course from your view

    You can hide any course you don't want to see in your Course overview block To hide a course...

  10. How do I request course content copied over from another course I taught previously?

    You can easily copy content yourself from another course you taught previously using Course Import function. If you need...

  11. Merge Multiple Sections of the same course

    If the course you are teaching has multiple sections that you would like to be populated and managed through...

  12. Accessing your courses

    Login to eClass You'll need a Passport York username and password to login to eClass. Students: Setting up your...

  13. Add a Recording of your Name in eClass Profile

    Here is a quick guide for adding a recording of your name to your profile in eClass.   Click...

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