
  1. Best practices for students taking an online quiz

    You have an important online quiz. You’ve studied the material and you’re confident that you can get a great...

  2. Best practices for instructors designing an online quiz

    For some s tudents, taking an online exam could be  a  new and somewhat  confusing experience . They may...

  3. How to create a Quiz in your course

    Setting up quizzes on eClass requires creating a quiz activity and creating quiz questions within the quiz. While creating...

  4. Adding and Organizing Questions in your Quiz

    Creating Questions Within the Quiz Follow the steps below to create a question in a quiz. Click the Quiz...

  5. How to shuffle questions in a quiz?

    From within your course, click on the quiz name From the quiz page, click on Questions located in the...

  6. Adding questions into categories (question bank)

    Categories allow instructors to manage and organize questions into groups. They may be restricted to be used a the...

  7. How to give particular students extra time in a quiz

    It is possible to give a set of students extra time when taking a quiz using the User overrides...

  8. How do I allow a student a second attempt on a quiz?

    eClass allows you to give one or more students a second opportunity to take their quiz using individual user...

  9. How to Grade a Quiz

    General Quiz Grading Features View attempts As a first step, in order to view a list of attempts made...

  10. How to Release Quiz Grades

    An instructor has the option to deliver a quiz and delay the release of grades until it is convenient...

  11. Analyzing Quiz results

    There may be times when students are in touch to say that their experience when taking an online quiz...

  12. FAQ's Taking a quiz

    We encourage you to print or save the following troubleshooting guide before your exam just in case your computer/internet...

  13. Using Safe Exam Browser for your quiz

    While taking a quiz some students could connect to the internet to get information that would assist them during...

  14. How to import multiple choice questions to the question bank

    Adding question in bulk can save time to import questions into  your course. This can be done in several...

  15. What can the logs tell us about students taking a quiz?

    When a user interacts with eClass, such as, logging in and out of eClass, viewing course material, participating in...

  16. Regrading a question after quiz has been taken

    What can you edit/view after a quiz has been attempted? Regrade attempts Having the option to regrade attempts will...

  17. How to create a new category in question bank?

    Categories allow instructors to manage and organize questions into groups. They may be restricted to be used at the...

  18. How to duplicate a quiz from an existing course in a new course?

    There are times that you wish to copy an existing quiz in a previous course to another course you...

  19. How to Duplicate a Quiz for Another Student's Accommodation

    Warning Duplicating a quiz and changing the questions in the new quiz copy will change the questions in the...

  20. How to Export Quiz Questions

    Exporting questions from question bank Quiz questions can be exported by going to the Question bank, finding the Category...

  21. How to Move Questions from One Category to Another

    Moving questions from one Category to another You can move questions from one Category to another by going to...

  22. Modifying a quiz question after it's been attempted

    There are times that a quiz question has been configured incorrectly and you have only realized this after the...

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